In this blog, I will serve up the Gumbo on issues regarding Empty-Nest Syndrome. I write to those whose children are grown and gone and who thought they were prepared for this season of their life until reality set in. If you are like me, you started feeling a gnawing depression several months before that fateful day.
Empty Nest Syndrome (which I will abbreviate ENS) has hit you like a ton of bricks, and you are left trying to figure out what you will do with the rest of your life.
I call this blog, Talk Gumbo because I am from New Orleans, and Gumbo is our most globally known dish. It is characterized by having lots of ingredients. Like Gumbo, Empty-Nesting has many components (ingredients) that make up our lives: physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and other things. Yet they all work together to play vital roles in who we have become as empty-nesters.
If you can relate to any of what I have said, this blog is for you. We will help one another to get through the most challenging days and learn to thrive in this new space that is now ours. I intend to encourage you on this journey even as I encourage myself, but know that your ENS will unravel gradually and in stages. And I am here to help you to appreciate every phase of it!
Lastly, I hope you find ways to increase your appetite for discovering the many ways to navigate your ENS, so keep watching this space.
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