“If God could sing, he would sound a lot like Andrea Bocelli.” – Celine Dion
The Voice of God
When Andrea Bocelli sings, everything about my life feels better. In this article, you will learn about his life, why his music moves me to tears, and why so many singers love collaborating with him.
My Children Were Up To Something
One Christmas morning, the tree was lit, as always. The children came downstairs just like on any other Christmas Day. There were several gifts for each of us. But it was something about how they looked at each other and giggled that told me they were up to something. That last box had “Mother” written on it, and when I picked it up, the children giggled even more. Still, I would not have guessed what awaited me in a million years.
My Bocelli Collection Grew That Christmas
I opened the package to find a DVD of a live Andrea Bocelli Concert, “Andrea Bocelli – A Night in Tuscany. But wait! That wasn’t all. His CD titled Amore (pronounced A-Moor-ray) was also inside! I stared at the gifts and had to hold myself back. I wanted to pop them in the player immediately, but I told myself it was Christmas, and I did not want to get lost in Andrea and forget that this day was about my children and family time.

Born In Tuscany
Born in Tuscany, Italy, Andrea is 62 years old, but he has been blind since he was 12 when he was playing ball with his friends and was struck in the eye by a ball. It caused his brain to hemorrhage. However, at age five, he was diagnosed with Congenital Glaucoma and could only see shadows, so the accident assured his doctors that he would never see again.
“True congenital glaucoma – Also known as newborn glaucoma. In this type, the child is either born with ocular enlargement or enlargement of eyes is noticed within one month of life.”
“Infantile glaucoma – This type includes patients who manifest between 1 and 36 months of life.” –
He Wanted To Do Things Like Other Boys His Age
However, his blindness did not hold him back. Though it did cause his parents some worry, Andrea wanted to do everything the other children, including his younger brother, could do. His parents eventually had to send him to a school for the blind, where he learned to read braille, but still, he accepted his blindness, though not without some frustrations.
Andrea Rides Horses, Too?
In researching his life, I learned that Andrea had been riding horses since he was a young boy. It’s fascinating because I would not have imagined that a blind person could ride a horse. I know that even sighted individuals build trust with the horses they ride. So, I could only imagine the deep level of trust Andrea has to build with each of his horses, given his visual impairment. Yet he has ridden for many years.
He was hospitalized a few years ago after falling off his horse, but that has happened to many sighted people, so there you go! In one article, he even talked about how he gave his parents trouble because he let nothing deter him.
All Parents Want To Protect Their Children
As a parent of two healthy children, I know how nervous I was when they were little. When my son was little, he seemed accident-prone. As a toddler, he climbed the stairs behind me one day. I did not know he was following me until I heard a thump. I looked down in terror to the bottom of the stairs as he looked at me, laughing so hard that it confused me. He wasn’t even old enough to walk then, so the whole thing shocked me.
I understand what Andrea’s parents may have gone through with him. Yet, they did not hold him back. What a blessing!
Andrea’s Uncle Encouraged Him To Pursue Singing
Andrea’s uncle encouraged him to sing, but he did not think he would ever make a singing career. Music had always been a part of his life, as his parents allowed him to get piano lessons when he was only six years old. Then came the saxophone and the flute.
Before Music, There Was the Law
Before Andrea made music his career, he studied Law at the University of Pisa to get a law degree. However, his career as a lawyer was short-lived as an opportunity to study under a strict voice teacher presented itself.
I cannot imagine Andrea arguing a case in a courtroom now that I know what he can do with his voice.

His Voice. My Heart
I first heard Andrea’s music while visiting my sister Carolyn. As we watched videos on cable television, she mentioned that she liked an Italian singer. That grabbed my attention. I asked her his name, and within two days, I bought my first Andrea Bocelli CD, Cieli Di Toscana. And I haven’t looked back since!
That was 20 years ago, so I have a nice collection of his music. Most are on CDs but nowadays, I can stream his music. I uploaded all my Bocelli CDs to my laptop and iPhone. Music has always been an essential part of my life, but it is especially life-saving during these empty nesting years without my children. So, when writing, doing housework, or gardening, I tell Siri to play me some Bocelli. And then I go to music heaven.
I Cannot Listen To Bocelli While Driving
Tuscany. I Want To Go There
Though both of my children have been to Italy, the closest I have ever gotten to Italy was six hours away. But the next time I travel abroad, I plan to visit Tuscany. I want to see the Tuscany countryside and the ocean that inspires so much of his music.
They All Want To Share In His Glory
Many entertainers want to collaborate with Andrea, from Mary J. Blige to Ed Sheeran. And I am always amazed at how he does it. That man can sing with Elmo and Big Bird, creating a huge hit. I can imagine him doing a remake of the Sesame Street theme song and making it sound heavenly.
The Stevie Collaboration
One of Andrea’s most notable collaborations was with Stevie Wonder. You all know I had to put that one first. It was a song called Cantoni Stonate, meaning “off-key songs.” Imagine Stevie singing an off-key song.
In the song, he tells his long-distance lover that he is singing songs with some friends. But the music sounds out of tune because she is not with him. Then he tells her that if she closes her eyes, she may be able to hear the singing from where she is. Good Lord. I would get hot flashes if a man like that sang such a romantic message to me.
A Few Of His Other Collaborations
- Luciano Pavarotti – His number-one singing idol
- Placido Domingo – Another one of Andrea’s idols
- Mary J Blige
- Heather Hadley
- Celine Dion
- Ed Sheeran
- Barbara Streisand
- Sarah Brighton
- Tony Bennett
Andrea and David Foster (The hit man) did a great live concert some years ago and it is one of my all-time favorite live performances. He has even performed live with his daughter and two sons.
I have to agree with Celine Dion. Maybe Andrea Bocelli was born so the world would know what it sounds like when God sings.