Wouldn’t you agree that it is easier to be thankful when the terrain of our life is smooth and assists our movements? However, when the terrain is uneven, sometimes so is our gait, which can make walking with a wobble seem normal to you. So, let’s talk about those difficult times and how we can bring a healthy balance to our wobbly dilemmas.
1. There Is No Shame In Walking With A Wobble
Sometimes, we might have to wobble through a situation until we get help to stabilize ourselves. And there is no shame in that.
My Little Girl
When my daughter was a toddler, my friend, an occupational therapist, pointed out something that shocked me. She had noticed that my daughter wobbled in the grassy area of our front yard but that she walked straight and upright on the smoothly paved walkway.
Even so, my daughter had no shame. She accommodated her wobble the best way she knew how. In other words, she worked with all that she had.
2. When You See Something, Do Something
I had not noticed my daughter’s unsteady gait, but I was glad my friend pointed it out. I thought her wobble was typical for a child her age. Because she seldom fell, I did not know that anything was unusual. That said, the well-trained eye of a professional spotted it right away.
Don’t Fear The Uneven Terrains Of Life
Keen Observations
Over the next several days, I noticed that my daughter compensated for her shaky gait to avoid falling over. I was impressed that she had figured out a way to keep herself upright, but as her mother, I needed to cure the problem if a cure existed. Plus, I shuddered to think that she would go through life compensating and thinking that she was walking straight when she was not.
There Might Be Some Deception Here
Your wobble may be okay for a while, but I encourage you to be honest about your situation and then find a way to stabilize your life. We can deceive ourselves into thinking we are “straight” when we are not. Truthfully, we may only be acquiescing, compromising, and overcompensating in different areas of our lives when a better way is available.
3. Accept When Someone Points Out Your Wobble
Like my daughter and I, at first, neither of us was aware. She was just a baby, so she could not have been aware. I wasn’t aware due to ignorance. We sometimes wobble through life because of deficiencies that escape our knowing.
Other people often point out “deficiencies” they observe about us. When that happens, it behooves us not to get defensive but to listen and learn. Then do what we need to do to upright our unstable situation.
4. Doing Even One Thing Different Can Be A Great Benefit
In my daughter’s case, it turned out that a vitamin-D deficiency had caused Rickets, a disease usually found in children and makes the bones soft. I immediately added a liquid vitamin D supplement to my daughter’s diet at my pediatrician’s recommendation. Consequently, within two weeks, her condition improved so much that we could not tell she’d had the disease.
We all have “life deficiencies,” so there is no shame in walking with a wobble. That said, the onus is still on us to execute a plan and supplement our lives with practical tools for improvement.
Our deficiencies may manifest differently, but at the core, they are the same; spiritual weaknesses, relationship deficiencies, wisdom, love, financial, and attitude deficiencies, to name a few.
Be Willing To Make Small Changes
We can find resolutions to our problems when we are willing to do some things differently. As in my daughter’s situation, sometimes even one small change could be all we need to implement. However, a small change can make a huge difference in our lives. But we must jump on it immediately before matters get worse.
You will never wobble alone. God is with you.
Does your life have balance? It is not easy to keep the many aspects of our lives in perfect harmony, but trust that you will figure out a way to do your best. Be proud of yourself.
Be Proud If You Are Doing Your Best To Stay Upright
5. Become Aware of What Is Causing Your Wobbly Gait
Pay close attention to your life and notice the situations that make you unsteady. What is your uneven terrain? Perhaps, it’s your finances, your job or career, your family, or your relationships. Is it time for a self “checkup”?
We have all experienced uneven terrains in life. And if we are honest with ourselves, 99% of the time, there was something we could have done about it, but instead, we blamed our wobble on someone or something else.
Stay Woke
The blessing is that increased awareness might reveal some deficiencies you can quickly remedy. Most of us already know the areas of our life where we can apply this principle. We have to do it.
6. Don’t Compare Your Wobble To Another Person’s Wobble
My walk might not look like yours, and yours may not look like mine because each of us has our unique journey. The things that may feel like uneven terrain under my feet could feel like a paved walkway under yours. So, don’t worry that things causing you to walk with a wobble may not be causing someone else to wobble.
Similarly, the uneven grassy area of our front yard didn’t cause me to walk with an uneven gait as it did my daughter. That is precisely why we should never make comparisons or judge another individual. You never know how hard they work to keep their lives from tumbling.
7. Until Things Improve, Have Fun With Life
I did not notice my daughter’s unsteady gait because she was having as much fun as any other toddler I had known. She ran around the yard with our dogs, around the house, played in the park, and did everything I expected her to do. She just had fun with life and was always giggling. The funny thing is, thirty years later, she still laughs a lot!
Go Out To Play
We can do that, too! We can also “run and play” with life and not focus too much on our struggles. All we have to do is work with what we have until things improve.
One way is to laugh and giggle more with childlike abandon. I get the best laughs when I laugh at myself. Maybe, you are taking life too seriously. If so, switch it up, and have fun by making the best of things.
One more thing….
8. Dance With Life!
Some years ago, someone came up with a line dance called “The Wobble.” It was everywhere, especially at weddings, family reunions, birthday parties, and summer cookouts. So, until you can get things together, make your wobble look like a happy dance.
My little girl figured out that she had to compensate until I found a way to help her. You can do the same thing. As the song says, wobble, baby, wobble, baby. Dance with life and believe that things will get better for you.
Do What You Gotta Do
Is there a life lesson here for you? There is for me. Each of us has to do whatever we must to keep it together, and when we fall, we should get back up and try again.
Drop me a line or two in the comments section, or email me at Denise@TalkGumbo.com. I would love to hear how you are handling the uneven terrain in your life!
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Very informative….Very easy to comprehend…….Smooth leveled knowledge…